For many companies looking to expand globally, finding and accessing talent worldwide can be a challenge. According to a report from McKinsey survey, 70% of executives plan on hiring more contingent workers this year and next. The demand for talent is high and local talent pools are not cutting it anymore. By using a Global Managed Service Provider (MSP) it can help with high demand talent needs as well as performance and you get the benefit of working with subject matter experts while gaining insight to total optics.
Are you looking to work with an MSP for global expansion? Check out these 6 major Benefits of working with a Global Managed Service Provider (MSP).
Centralized recruiting and requisition process with 1 point of contact:
Easily request a new talent requirement whether that be for direct placement, temporary recruiting support, payroll, or a 1099 independent contractor. Your single point of contact will manage this process in a centralized and transparent system.
Optimized Vendor Pool:
Suna manages over 100 vendors within our MSP programs. We have top performing agencies we can bring to your MSP to fill any skills gaps within present in your current vendor pool. We monitor performance and make recommendations back to your so your pool of vendors is always optimized.
Standardized Rates and Terms:
We conduct a market analysis and RFI to recommend standardized rates that are competitive in today’s market. We will then negotiate and roll out these markups so it’s consistent amongst the approved vendors. You’ll see immediate cost savings and an increase in engagement from your vendors.
Increased optics:
Not only do we scorecard and provide performance reports for participating vendors, but we’ll also business customize reporting and analytics to make sure you have the right information to continue to grow your workforce. From billing by vendor to spend by department, the reporting opportunities are endless.
Consolidated invoicing:
You’ll be hero with your accounting and finance team. We consolidate invoicing for all staffing spend and tailor invoices based on your finance team’s preference.
Limits Risk:
Your Legal team will love you! They’ll agree to 1 contact with Suna and Suna holds agreements with the other vendors. Easily make changes to 1 Master Service Agreement versus having to interact and make changes to several contracts.
Your Vendors will love it! We have a 100% onboarding rate with staffing vendors in our MSP programs. We’ll learn about their capabilities and maximize their offerings to your business needs. Top performing firms will be offered opportunities in other Suna led programs.
Kyle Anderson, Regional Manager of Total Talent Solutions at Suna Solutions